Allotment Update & Tour 11th June 2016

The allotment is looking good at the moment, there are a few things that aren’t, in particular the radish and turnip, but that’s gardening. I’m already thinking about what I’m going to do with the area that is currently occupied by the broad beans, I suspect some more salad crops will go in one, and the other might just get covered by the courgettes. According to my notes, the early potatoes should be ready around the 3rd July, but they might be ready sooner, as it’s looking like they are starting to die off. I might lift a few soon, just to see.

2 thoughts on “Allotment Update & Tour 11th June 2016

  1. I’ve never had a radish fail before but I suppose it was dry at just the wrong time – even when young, they were a bit woody. And then I went away for a couple of weeks and they all bolted. Still, the chickens enjoyed them.

    1. I wish I had chickens to feed them too, but I’ll just have to put them on the compost heap, and they can be used that way. Pretty sure it’s a lack of water at the wrong time. Despite what I said, I probably will sow some more as I can probably stay on top of the watering now.

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